A series of meetings “Kaunas IN Slow Motion” (LT: „Pristabdyk ir pamatyk“)
Kaunas city
From the 4th of the 25th of October, we shall host a series of meetings and conversations with various residents of Kaunas who will tell the citizens of Kaunas about a variety of topic related to our beloved city, ranging from arta, sports, culture, and history and urban nature that will be held every Wednesday at Kaunas Tourism Information Centre. The list of participants will include, among others, Karolis Banys and Petras Gaidamavičius, the famous promoters of architectural heritage and art collectors, the founders of the “Art Deco” and “Amsterdam School” museums, Evelina Šimkutė, ab artist, placemaking practitioner, sustainability creator, youth mentor together with a facilitator Sandra Galdikaitė. All events are free, but advance registration will be required, so we know how many cups of coffee to prepare. Follow the information https://visit.kaunas.lt/lt/ and https://www.facebook.com/kaunastika/.