65th UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa
Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from 5 to 7 October 2022

The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) presents its compliments to the Members of the UNWTO Commission for Africa, the Affiliate Members of the region and has the honor to inform them that the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania invites them to participate in the Sixty-Fifth Meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa. The Commission meeting will be followed by the Forum on the theme "Rebuilding Africa’s Tourism Resilience for Inclusive Socio-Economic Development”, to be held in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from 5 to 7 October 2022.
Note: In compliance with the United Nations system’s environmental protection policy, the working documents will not be distributed on paper at the venue of the event. Therefore, delegates are kindly requested to bring with them copies of the documents.
Investors interested to participate to the B2B session held on Thursday, October 6 2022 in parallel of the Forum, are kindly requested to also register via the following link:
- Presentation on UNWTO Regional Department for Africa’s activities
- Presentations on UNWTO Digital Futures & UNWTO Investment Guidelines
- Presentation - Tourism Doing Business Investing in United of Republic of Tanzania
- Video on UNWTO Investment Guidelines for Tanzania
- Presentations on technical cooperation projects in the Africa region
- Presentations on technical cooperation projects in the Africa region - Projects
- Facility Concept presentation – UNWTO Affiliate Members
- Presentation – Innovation and Digital Marketing Symposium | Product Diversification
- Presentation – Innovation and Digital Marketing Symposium | Innovation and Digital Markating
- Ojimah presentation
- Case studies: Tourism investment in Seychelles
- Case studies: Invest in Nigeria
- Case studies: Investing in the South African Tourism Sector
- Case studies: Invest in Namibia
- Case studies: Invest in Namibia (Video)
- Conclusions and Recommendations Taken by the UNWTO Commission for Africa at its Sixty-Fifth Meeting
- Note Verbale
- Note Verbale II
- Note Verbale Hosting of 66th CAF
- General Information Note for the 65th UNWTO CAF Meeting
- Provisional Programme – Public
- Provisional Agenda
- Provisional Agenda item 4.1
- Concept Note on Agenda Item 5
- Report of the Secretary-General
- Report Affiliate Members Activities
- Annexes Item 6
- Provisional agenda item 7
- Innovation and Digital Marketing Symposium
- Communication of the Chair